Folding- We all have our ways of folding towels- but the fact is- rolling saves space and therefore all towels, hand, bath or hair, should be put away in this manner. Those who don't make more work for themselves- fact.

Any of these look familiar?

Any of these look familiar?

Chewing- There will be at least one of you who chews with your mouth open and it really bugs the other person. It makes dinner dates VERY hard indeed. And if you address it- they only chew louder to annoy you more.

Toilet roll- Should be replaced if you empty the roll or one of you ends up having to pass through a new roll while getting a whiff of your partner's excrement. Nice.

Left overs- Should be eaten by the person whose meal it was- it is bad form to steal another person's left overs. A deal breaker for some.

Dinner- THE most complicated question of every evening- what do you want for dinner? Then the exchange beings;

'What do you want?'

'I picked last night- you choose.'

'I don't really care- whatever.'

'Spaghetti bolognaise?'



'Don't fancy it.'


'We had that last week.'

Then you end up having the first suggestion.

Loading the dishwasher- Some of us do it and others leave their dishes in the sink all but a foot away from the dishwasher. Just saying.

Watching boxsets- You have to wait for the other to watch it with you- it is bad etiquette to watch it in their absence because they weren't there and then spoil it for them by warning them about the best bits.

Actors- For the movie fan of the couple- it is very annoying when your partner insists that it is one actor- when you know without a shadow of a doubt that they are wrong but still argue the toss anyway.

Leaving clothes out- One of you is a hanger upper and the other is a dumper. You will never meet in the middle but probably trip over their shoes trying to get there.

Toothpaste- There is the squeezer from the bottom and the squeezer from the middle- it's not a big deal but when one of you has to rectify the other's 'mistake' it feels like one step forward and three steps back the next morning.

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