
Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

At the start of a new relationship, you can often be found at the fanciest restaurant in town and there isn’t a café that you haven’t been to. Every day is an adventure and you’re always finding things to do. However, once you’ve been together for a long time the spark can begin to fizzle out and going out on cute dates can seem more like a chore than something fun to do. Snap out of this habit and start dating again! Make a date in your diary to go out together once a week and you’ll soon remember why you are so madly in love with him. And if you get in to this routine, you’ll start looking forward to seeing your partner as you know you will have fun when you see each other.

It’s the little things that count

Saying “I love you” or giving a back massage are small gestures that will make your partner know just how much you love and care for them. Little things such as cooking a meal together or sharing a shower will relight the fire in your relationship.

Tell him how you feel

When you have been in a long-term relationship, we can sometimes forget to tell our partner exactly what they mean to us and we can take it for granted that they already know. Everyone needs that confidence boost every once in a while so start by telling your partner why they are so special to you.

Surprise him

Keep him guessing and surprise him from time to time. Whether it be a cute card, sexy underwear or a small gift, keep him on his feet and always anticipating the next surprise you have up your sleeve.


Going to new places together can liven up your relationship and let you both share wonderful experiences together. Travelling can help you stay connected and add that extra spark your relationship has been missing.

By Claire Lancaster