Are you missing out over names?

Are you missing out over names?

In light of new research that has found certain names to be more appealing on the dating scene than others we investigated! We talked to Kate Taylor,’s resident relationship expert about the power of a name and the effects it can have on your love life!


Why do you think that Olivia and Jack are the most dateable names in Britain?


Looking past the fact that these two names often top of the new baby names lists every year, we could speculate that they appear to represent attractive qualities. Olivia is a traditionally middle-class name, so we could speculate that Olivias are seen as well-educated and coming from an affluent family. Jack is a very ‘alpha male’ name – seen, possibly, as slightly rogue-ish and masculine. Think of the alpha male characters like Jack Sparrow, Jack Reacher and even Jackie Chan.


Why are names such as Barry and Sharon a surprise finding?


Although Barry and Sharon are relatively underused names these days, they might appear to be familiar and reassuring. We often have stereotypes about a name, but Barrys and Sharons might be perceived as nice, normal people you’d find next door.


Why would a person’s name have any effect on dating websites?


When you meet people online, you have to review all the information in front of you to help you decide if you’d like to continue getting to know that person. On, our members have usernames – we always encourage these to show a bit of personality. So if you’re called Kate and like sport, why not try “SportsFanKate” for your username as it will give people a better insight into who you are as a person.


It does seem unnecessarily choosy, why are people so picky over something that is relatively small?


When we’re first getting to know a new partner, we are trying to form an accurate impression of that person from relatively limited information. This leads us to place perhaps too much emphasis on rather minor details, like name, choice of career, even horoscope. It’s all we have to go on. Unfortunately, the first stage of a relationship is usually a time for screening people OUT, rather than screening them in. Try to be a bit more inclusive.


How can a name ignite passion in a date?


People who are particularly flirtatious make a habit of saying their dates’ names a lot. Remember, repeating a person’s name can make the other person feel special – just don’t overdo it! Never forget someone’s name either, as that’s one of the least flattering things you could do.


What can you miss out on if you overlook someone because of their name?


If you dismiss someone because of their name you might end up missing out on everything else about them! I know it’s hard, but you must keep an open mind about relatively meaningless things like names in the early stages of dating. Would you like to be written-off because of what your parents chose to call you? Or would you feel it was shallow and judgemental? Always form an impression of people from how they behave and how they treat you.


What are your tips if someone is instantly put off by a name?


Invent a nickname for that person, even if it’s just calling them by their initials.

Remember that some of the greatest people have had what you might think are the worst names – Humphrey Bogart, Wayne Rooney…


Make a new year’s resolution to judge people only on the way they make you feel.


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