How To: Move On from Your Ex

How To: Move On from Your Ex

If you’ve been in a relationship, no matter how long or short, once it’s ended it can often be hard to move on.

We’re a big fan of girl power here at FemaleFirst and we believe in helping a fellow woman out so here are some tips on moving on from your ex.

Clean Break

They say that a wound heals best when it’s a clean break and the same goes for relationships. If you’ve broken up, it was for a reason and you both need time to breath.

Taking some time apart where you don’t communicate with each other will make it a lot easier for you to move on.

This means deleting his number, blocking him on Facebook and unfollowing him on Twitter so that you’re not tempted to get in touch or even worse, drunk dial him!

Call Your Friends

There’s no point sitting at home, wallowing in your own pity so call up your friends and start making arrangements.

Go on a fun day trip or if you can, arrange a weekend break and just go and have a good time!

Make movie nights a regular thing and make sure you’re spending a lot of time around the people you love, nothing makes you feel better like friends and family.

Get Back Out There

When you’re ready, it’s time to get back on that horse, so to speak. It might take weeks or maybe even months but it’s good to get back on the scene again.

Start by having a big night out with your girlfriends and see where the night takes you. You don’t have to dive into anything serious, simply snogging a guy will give you a massive confidence boost!

Once dating becomes an option for you then grab it with both hands, life is short and you’ll have a million opportunities so don’t miss out on them!

Can You Be Friends with Your Ex?

It’s easier for some than others. The best advice is to give it a miss for a long time, until you feel like you could see them without feeling overly emotional attached.

It’s always going to be hard to see them for the first time since the split but just take it in your stride. If it was too much to handle then you know you’re not ready to see them regularly again.

Always consider your new partner’s feelings. Would you like it if they started hanging out with their ex again? Just take it slow and consider your options.