Many people break up through long distance or for the sake of the 'right thing' but that doesn't mean the love goes along with it. We take a look at some of the things couples who are parting ways do before they call it a day.

Have you ever gone your separate was while still being in love?

Have you ever gone your separate was while still being in love?

Discuss if it's really mutual- You second guess your decision and theirs- do you both really want this?!

Fantasize about it working- You come up with as many reasons to stay together as you can but you both ultimately know that it won't work out because you will end up resenting each other.

Vow to not see each other- Because you think it will make thing easier.

You feel you have no choice- Which is your justification for doing it.

Still share happy times- ecause you are both in the habit of being overjoyed by each other's successes.

Talk about what you won't miss- So you don't have to focus on the things you will.

You avoid contact/ sex- Because you know you will fall right back into the rhythm of being a couple.

Talk about future relationships- Hoping that it will make you think forward not backwards.

You hug for a really long time- Because a kiss is too inappropriate at this stage.

Wear his shirt- It smells like happier times.

You avoid kisses on text- Because one of you will read too much into it.

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