Everyone loves a good cuddle, but do you love them enough to pay for them? The clients of Jackie Samuel do.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The 29-year-old from Rochester, New York has opened her home to strangers in order to make a success of her business The Snuggery.

The Snuggery involves strangers coming into Jackie’s home and snuggling with her for a fee.

Jackie charges $60 an hour and can make up to $260 a day with her unique business, which helps her provide for her son and pay for her college tuition fees.

Despite the cuddling service being innocent and completely free of sexual activity, Jackie has received hundreds of emails calling her a prostitute for the service she offers.

Jackie completely disagrees with this and loves what she does. She told MailOnline, “I think I was born knowing how to snuggle. Snuggling is healthy, spiritual and fun.

“I think clients come to me for all different kinds of reasons. Some of my older clients, their wives have passed away, and they just need someone to be with, like someone to experience touch with.

“Some of the younger clients are between relationships, some are in problematic relationships, and some people are just really curious and they come to just find out what it's going to be like.”

Jackie has a range of clients, all of which can choose to cuddle anywhere in her Rochester cottage, although most do opt for her spacious double bed.

Her business has become so successful that she has hired another snuggling professional who also offers her snuggling services.

There is no sexual activity involved and Jackie has a strict rule that clients are not allowed to touch her anywhere that underwear covers. She also wears pyjamas to combat any sexual connotations.

Despite this, many still brand her a prostitute. She said, “Some have said I am worse than a prostitute because they think snuggling is more intimate than sex. I've been told I'm monetizing love.”

Her clients disagree, with one saying that he would continue to see Jackie should he enter a new relationship.