Leonardo DiCaprio has called making The Revenant an 'honour'.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

DiCaprio is set to return to the big screen in January with The Revenant, which sees him team up with filmmaker Alejandro G. Iñárritu for the very first time.

The popular actor picked up a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor on Thursday afternoon for his performance as explorer Hugh Glass.

Speaking after receiving his nomination, DiCaprio thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press and congratulated all of this year's nominees.

He said: "Thank you to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. I am incredibly grateful for their nomination, as well as the recognition they have given to this film and to Alejandro's vision as its director.

"Making The Revenant was a true honour for me. I also want to extend congratulations to all nominees this season. Thank you again to the HFPA."

The Revenant picked up four Golden Globe nominations, including Best Motion Picture Drama, Best Director, and Best Original Score.

DiCaprio also picked up a Screen Actors Guild nomination earlier in the week for his performance and is expected to be in the Oscar mix when their nominations are announced at the beginning of next year.

The Revenant is the first big screen outing for the actor since The Wolf of Wall Street back in 2014 - which saw DiCaprio nominated for an Oscar.

DiCaprio has two Golden Globe wins under his belt for The Wolf of Wall Street and The Aviator but he has never won an Oscar, despite four previous nominations.

The Revenant is already one of the must-see films of 2016 and will DiCaprio reunite with Tom Hardy. Will Poulter and Domhnall Gleeson are also on board.

The Revenant is released 15th January 2016. And the Golden Globe winners will be announced 10th January 2016.

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