Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit has been moved to January 31st 2014.

The Kenneth Branagh directed film was set to hit the big screen on Boxing Day, but it has now been pushed back a month.

This is the first directorial outing for Branagh since he steered Thor to success in the summer of 2011 - he is also set to star in the film.

Chris Pine will take on the role of Jack Ryan and follows in the footsteps of actors Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck.

A fantastic cast has been assembled as Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley and Colm Feore are all also on board the film.

This original story follow a young Jack (Pine) as he uncovers a financial terrorist plot.

The story follows him from 9/11, through his tour of duty in Afghanistan, which scarred him forever, and into his early days in the Financial Intelligence Unit of the modern CIA where he becomes an analyst, under the guardianship of his handler, Harper (Costner).

When Ryan believes he’s uncovered a Russian plot to collapse the United States economy, he goes from being an analyst to becoming a spy and must fight to save his own life and those of countless others, while also trying to protect the thing that’s more important to him than anything, his relationship with his fiancée Cathy (Knightley).

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is released 31st January 2014.

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