Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne says called spending time with Stephen Hawking one of the 'great honours of his life' during his acceptance speech after winning the Best Actor, Drama Golden Globe.

Redmayne triumphed at the Golden Globes last night as he saw off the competition from Benedict Cumberbatch, Jake Gyllenhaal, Steve Carell, and David Oyelowo.

Redmayne takes on the role of Hawking in the biopic The Theory of Everything, which follows the relationship between Stephen and his first wife Jane.

Speaking on stage he said: "Thank you to the HFPA. It is a great privilege for me to be in this room. I've had to spend most of the evening trying to prevent myself from fawning over, leching over actors I've admired. I apologize, Mr. Duvall, I haven't been entirely successful.

"But being here and being amongst this group of actors, particularly in this category, is an extraordinary thing.

"This was a huge privilege. Stephen, Jane, Jonathan and the Hawking family allowed us into their lives and entrusted us with their story, and getting to spend time with Stephen Hawking, who despite all of the obstacles put in his way has lived passionately and fully and with great humour was one of the great honours of my life."

The Theory of Everything walked away with two Golden Globes last night as it also scooped Best Original Score for Jóhann Jóhannsson. It missed out on Best Actress and Best Motion Picture, Drama.

This success for Redmayne comes just days after it was revealed he had received his first Best Actor Bafta nomination for his performance. He is also expected to be in the Oscar mix when the nominations are revealed later this week.

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