Steve Carell

Steve Carell

Steve Carell has admitted that he would love to do an Anchorman sequel.

Carell took on the role of weatherman Brick Tamland in the Will Ferrell comedy back in 2004 and is keen to return in a second movie.

While a sequel was believed to be in the pipeline is has been put on hold.

In an interview with Metro the actor said: "The enduring popularity of Anchorman really does surprise me, especially in Britain.

"Whenever I come here, after talking about The Office and Ricky Gervais, that's the next subject people want to discuss. I find it astounding."

"It was certainly one of the most fun things I was ever involved in. I talked to Will recently about a sequel. I would love to do it again.

"And I think we should all assume the same roles - I would just be the guy who says something occasionally in the background."

And Carell is back on the big screen next week as he teams up with Tina Fey for Shawn levy's new comedy Date Night, which is currently top of the U.S. box office.

And the actor has two other movies due for release this year including Dinner For Schmucks and Despicable Me, in which he voices the character of Gru.

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