My Week With Marilyn

My Week With Marilyn

Film: My Week With Marilyn

Director: Simon Curtis

Cast: Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne, Judi Dench, Kenneth Branagh, Emma Watson

Synopsis: In the early summer of 1956, 23 year-old Colin Clark, just down from Oxford and determined to make his way in the film business, worked as a lowly assistant on the set of ‘The Prince and the Showgirl’, the film that famously united Sir Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe, who was also on honeymoon with her new husband, the playwright Arthur Miller.

Nearly 40 years on, his diary account ‘The Prince, the Showgirl and Me’ was published, but one week was missing and this was published some years later as ‘My Week with Marilyn’ - this is the story of that week.

Critics: “This is an enchanting movie that takes you into the past and brings you face to face with one of cinema's biggest icons - telling a truly heartbreaking tale along the way.” - FemaleFirst

“That's all familiar lore but, to his credit, director Simon Curtis lays out these separate ambitions and conflicting tensions with breezy dispatch in the early frames.” - Globe and Mail

“A triumphantly entertaining examination of the ultimate movie icon, miraculously embodied by Michelle Williams.” - Film Journal International

Award/Nominations: The movie has picked up a Best Picture nomination at the Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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