David Fincher

David Fincher

Director: David Fincher

Age: 48

Movie: The Social Network

Synopsis: The amazing true story of the computer nerd who came up with the idea for Facebook while still a student - and found 500 million new friends!

Social reject and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is a geek with a capital G! Desperate to be one of the popular kids at Harvard he sits down at his computer and invents Facebook.

A few years later, having hit the big time, he drops out of college and sits back as the money comes rolling in.

However, although he may be a high-achieving entrepreneur with millions of online friends, he finds that in the real world things are not quite so straightforward.

Mark finds his phenomenal dotcom success leads to legal problems when his best friends accuse him of stealing their idea.

Previous Golden Globe Wins: Fincher has never won a Golden Globe.

Previous Golden Globe Nominations: he has just one pervious nomination for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Awards For Film:  Fincher has already won Best Director at the National Board of Review, Boston Society of Film Critics, Los Angeles Film Critics Association, New York Film Critics Online.

Critics:  “This is a beautifully made film by David Fincher with a superb screenplay by Aaron Sorkin.” - At The Movies

“The Social Network is technically flawless, powered by Fincher's dazzling direction…” - Liverpool Echo

“Brilliantly directed, superbly written and impeccably acted, this is a hugely enjoyable, era-defining drama that's gripping, laugh-out-loud funny and ultimately moving -- it's also one of the best films of the year.” - View London

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