Albert Brooks

Albert Brooks

Name: Albert Brooks

Age: 64

Character: Bernie Rose in Drive

Film: Drive is the story of a Hollywood stunt driver by day (Gosling), a loner by nature, who moonlights as a top-notch getaway driver-for-hire in the criminal underworld.

He finds himself a target for some of LA’s most dangerous men after agreeing to aid the husband of his beautiful neighbour, Irene (Mulligan).

When the job goes dangerously awry, the only way he can keep Irene and her son alive is to do what he does best... Drive!

Previous Golden Globe Wins: Brooks has no previous Golden Globe wins.

Previous Golden Globe Nominations: This is also his first nomination

Award/Nominations for role: Brooks has picked up Best Supporting Actor gongs at the African American Film Critics Association Awards, Boston Society of Film Critics Awards, Satellite Awards, New York Film Critics Circle Awards.

And he has been nominated at the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, Independent Spirit Awards, Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards & Detroit Film Critics Society Awards.

Critics: “The film then, with its elegant style evoking an eighties neon-drenched aesthetic, succeeds effortlessly at blending striking ultra-violence with the screenplays more ponderous sequences of blossoming romance.” - Platform

“A film that moves relentlessly forward, carrying you along so completely that it's only afterwards, if at all, that you begin to wonder about origins and plausibilities.” - This Is London

“Drive is a masterpiece of surface over depth. Catnip for anyone who thinks cinema is for the eye rather than the brain or heart.” - Daily Telegraph

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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