We look at why a ‘what makes me happy list’ is an essential document to create in your own time. So, take ten minutes to read this article and write down what lights you up afterwards. Here’s why it’s so beneficial to your wellbeing:

It acts as a gratitude list too

It acts as a gratitude list too

It helps you to see what you have neglected- If writing, reading or drawing makes you happy but you can’t remember the last time you did any of these activities- it encourages you to find an opportunity to fit them into your life again.

It helps you to make plans- If you adore travelling but haven’t yet made any plans to go anywhere in the near future, it might prompt you to book a trip. If you get excited to be in the outdoors but haven’t scheduled any time for that in your calendar- you might feel compelled to pencil a few dates in.

It acts as a gratitude list too- You may have things on there like ‘spending time with my partner’ or ‘spending time with my kids’ which makes you appreciate the moments you have together all the more because you are declaring it to yourself that this is one of your happiness markers.

It can bring you up when you are feeling down- If you feel like a black cloud has descended over your world- writing a ‘what makes me happy’ list might help you to see a glimmer of light and hope when everything else seems so very dark.

It highlights the things you are already doing that bring you joy- If you write something down that you know you invest a lot of time and energy in because you love it so much- there is a sense of achievement in seeing that on the list. Perhaps this is your job, an exercise that you are passionate about or a relationship that is pivotal in your world.

It makes you think about the smaller things in life- Your list might be filled with things like- ‘sitting in my garden at the end of the day’, ‘hearing my baby laugh’, ‘having a cup of tea’ or ‘doing a crossword’. By making such a list you can focus on the little things- those that can be easily overlooked but the ones that give you a little buzz anyway.

It can encourage action- If you struggle to find anything or very little to put on the list- this might be the realisation you need to find something that brings you contentment. If you struggle to seek this out- you may need to talk to someone you trust about how to find it.

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