Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler has been named the favourite British star in Hollywood.

I need a perfume. I need to tell my publicist to get on that

The Scot was voted top in a poll by, beating off competition from Christian Bale and Daniel Day-Lewis, who came second and third respectively.

Beloved Titanic actress Kate Winslet came fourth, while James McAvoy rounded out the top five.

The actor goes on to say he feels left out of the celebrity perfume trend - he wants to launch his own fragrance.

The Scottish star is convinced he's the only British actor without his own cosmetics line, and he wants a piece of the action.

He tells British radio station BBC Radio 1, "I need a perfume. I need to tell my publicist to get on that. He's not got me any worthwhile branding. Clive Owen has his aftershave, Ewan McGregor has cologne. What do I have? Nothing. I don't know what it would be like, but I need one.".

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