Do you apply your make-up in work?

Do you apply your make-up in work?

We’ve all seen it, and most of us have done it – public displays of application – from a quick touch-up of lipstick walking down the street or coating of mascara on the bus; to putting on a whole face of makeup on the way to the office in the morning.  Multitasking women across the country are using their morning commute to save time by doing their makeup on the move.

Research from the has found that almost two thirds of British women regularly apply their makeup on public transport, with a time savvy one third of ladies using the train, metro or bus to apply their ‘full face’ on a daily basis.

Showing the importance of being well-groomed, one third of women confess they would rather arrive at an important meeting late but perfectly made up than on time with no makeup. Time poor women who don’t want to let their beauty regime slip declare a morning PDA is often necessary, with over half of women frequently running out of time at home and a quarter saying that making up on the move is the most efficient use of their time. A quarter of women would love a helping hand with their morning PDAs and would be keen to see mirrors installed on the back of seats on trains and buses for easier application.

The time saved by a PDA on the daily commute is well spent with half of women using the extra time to catch up on sleep while an amorous 10 per cent skip their morning makeover to have sex with their partner. Birmingham ladies are the most likely to ditch the mascara in favour of a morning romp followed by Geordies and Bristolians.

Newby Hands, editorial director at says “Women are busier than ever having to juggle work pressures with their home life, friends and family so PDAs are becoming increasingly part of our everyday life. As a result, many of us have become PDA experts; perfecting the art of putting makeup on, on the train, bus and school run.  We are so caught up in the fast pace of everyday life that it’s easy to forget that there are people around us, who are probably snapping up our inner most beauty secrets, tricks, tips and habits.”

Stepping off the bus with a perfect Cleopatra eye is a badge of honour for any woman who succeeds as liquid eyeliner application has been voted as the most difficult skill to master on the move, followed by mascara application and lining eyes with kohl eyeliner.

As PDAs become more frequent, we’ve become a nation of makeup voyeurs with 40 per cent of British women admitting to watching others mid-PDA out of curiosity, even picking up a few helpful application tips. Only a quarter of women purposefully look away.

The research has discovered the top five PDAs British women feel most and least comfortable with:

Most comfortable ‘PDA’                                                          

  • Quick slick of lippy
  • Careful coating of mascara
  • Sly spray of deodorant
  • Foundation application
  • Flick of eyeliner

Least comfortable ‘PDA’

  • Applying fake tan
  • Squeezing spots
  • Plucking eyebrows
  • Painting nails
  • Removing nail varnish

And always remember to think about those around you when performing a quick PDA, 40 per cent of ladies would ask someone to stop if they were irritating them with their application.

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