The right eye make-up can make your eyes sparkle

The right eye make-up can make your eyes sparkle

We all know that make-up plays some amazing tricks and with different applications we can finish with a different look.

It can hide the things we don’t like and shine a bright beacon on the things we do.

Eye make-up is particularly good at doing this.

Using a certain shadow, liner or mascara can enhance your eye colour and make them shine through.

We pick out the colours you should be using to enhance your eyes. 

Brown eyes

For those beautiful brown eyes of yours wear colours opposite brown on the colour wheel - these are blues, teals, greens and purple. 

Trying shades of brown, bronze and grey can also make you brown eyes pop. 

If your eyes are hazel instead of deep brown, make them look almost green by wearing green eyeshadow. 

Applying blue eyeliner in the waterline adds nice contrast to the eyes and makes the whites of your eyes even brighter. 

Blue eyes

Make-up for blue eyes is easy as there are plenty of different shades that will make your eyes stand out and look gorgeous. 

Shades of light brown, bronze, plum, lilac and peach will work. 

For an everyday look try neutral shades, then an evening look try metallic shades in silver, gold, icy pink or turquoise for a really bold look. 

Green eyes

I find my own green eyes really pop when I use plum and lilac shades. 

Make sure they're more an icy shade with a cool grey or blue undertone because warm pink tones can make green eyes look sore. 

While shimmer can look lovely, frosted eyeshadows are too harsh for you.

Avoid silver, blue or green eyeshadows. The pigment in green eyeshadow is too intense for you and will overpower your eyes. 

Neutral tones, deep browns and gold or copper shades also work well. 

The easy and quick option

This is without a doubt the best mascara I've used in a while, the Max Factor Eye Brightening Mascara. 

Each one is designed for your eye colour and the tonal shades will help your eyes look bright and glowy - perfect for everyday wear. 

Here we have some amazing eyeshadows that you can buy now, take the tips and buy the colours that will make your eyes shine bright... like a diamond. 

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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