Last Monday - June 16 - I started the water challenge six days after most of those who were taking part had finished. I was 'late to the party', but decided that if the challenge was still available for me to take part in, then I'd still take it up.

For those unfamiliar with the challenge, it's fairly simple to understand (despite some of the family repeatedly asking the same questions. No Nan, I can't have coffee because it comes from granules, it's still a drink different to that of water). You can continue eating whatever you like, but for two weeks straight you may drink nothing but water. That's no coffee, no tea, no alcohol and no flavoured drinks. Simply H2O.

For the first few days I was finding things pretty simple. I'd been provided with enough water to last me the two weeks, and swapping the bottles of fizzy pop for the bottled water wasn't too bad.

I was being complimented by family who said my skin looked better, and I did feel better within myself despite not noticing those physical changes myself. Whether that was because I was enjoying the process and was proud of myself or because of the effects of water I cannot say for sure.

On the Thursday, I came down ill with a cold and flu bug on top of my usual hay fever allergies, and so I felt groggy, tired and worn out for some of the day.

The bug hit me worst on Friday, but I continued on with drinking water knowing that this wasn't why I had fallen ill.

Then the weekend came around, and I was lined up to go and watch Derren Brown perform at The Lowry in Manchester on Saturday night. The temptation of a cold cider in the scorching sun was almost too much, but as we ate our meal outside before going into the theatre I stuck to a pint of water.

Sunday had me attend a barbecue and once again, alcohol was being consumed by most around me in the beautiful weather. It was tough but powering through it made me feel like I could do anything.

At the end of the first week I do want a bit of flavour added to my drinks, but I feel like I could carry on drinking water for as long as I would ever need to. It wouldn't be something I would do out of choice for the rest of my life, but at the moment I feel I would only struggle a tad if it were forced upon me.

I hope I feel the same way this time in seven days.

I'm taking part in the Water Challenge in association with the Natural Hydration Council who provided advice on hydration ( Details on the challenge can be found at

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