Do you find yourself still working once you've left for the day?

Do you find yourself still working once you've left for the day?

Find yourself leaving the office, but not actually 'leaving' because you're still continuing to work, well, you're putting your mental and physical health at risk, a new report warns.

A study by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy showed that people are doing more than two extra hours' work every day while commuting and after arriving home.

"While dong a bit of extra work at home may seem like a good short-term fix, if it becomes a regular part of your evening routing then it can lead to problems such as back and nexk pain, as well as stress-related illness," explains Dr. Helena Johnson, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy chairperson.

This is especially the case if one is using handheld devices and not thinking about posture, she continues.

"Talk to your emplyer if you are feeling under pressure," she advises.

The Society warns that people have become 'screen slaves' and Unions have warned that people need to leard to switch off their devices.

An online survey, of 2,010 office workers by the Society found that nearly two-thirds of those questioned continued working outside office hours.

The organisation said people were topping up their working day with more than two hours extra screen time, on average, every day.

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