Let The Fun Begin This Christmas With Matey!

Let The Fun Begin This Christmas With Matey!

Make bath time fun this Christmas with the new Matey Christmas Gift pack.

This iconic kid-friendly bubble bath comes with a super cool hand puppet to make bath time even more fun for your little one!

Choose from Max Matey, who comes with Tic-Toc Toucan ‘bathtime buddy’ or his best friend Molly Matey; complete with bathtime buddy Keldie the seahorse.

And we have a Matey gift set to give away here
Matey is mild and gentle with a hypoallergenic and skin-ph neutral formulation so it’s kind to sensitive skin.
Add Matey bubble bath to the stream of running water and swish by hand to create soft, fruity fragranced bubbles.
The Matey Christmas gift sets are a bubbly world of fun, games and adventure for every child! Available to purchase from Tesco, Asda and pharmacies with a RRP of £5.49.