Spider-Man will join 'Marvel's Avengers' later this month.



The web-slinging hero - who was revealed as a future PlayStation exclusive 15 months ago - is finally coming to Crystal Dynamics' live service game on November 30 for PS4/5 users.

In an announcement post, the studio confirmed he will launch as part of the 'With Great Power' Hero Event.

They teased: "Peter Parker uncovers AIM’s new plan to acquire technology that could make their Synthoid army unstoppable and total domination inevitable.

"He must partner with the Avengers to stop this looming threat, and forms a tentative friendship with Ms. Marvel and Black Widow while keeping his identity hidden.

"As a Hero accustomed to working solo, he struggles with the new dynamics of working with a team.

"Will he join up full time with the Avengers, or stay independent in his fight against AIM?"

There are also a few updats coming to all platforms, including the Discordant Sound raid, and a level cap increase from 150 to 175, as well as changes to weekly objectives to allow them to be completed once per hero.

Other updates include gear upgrading and Shiptmants, which give gamers the chance to "earn coveted cosmetics, resources and other items via gameplay".

The team explaoned: "Each Shipment costs 500 Units (the currency earned while playing the game) and pulls from a collection of possible items, but you can see what is in the current Shipment before you buy it with Units.

"There is a small chance of the Shipment containing a premium Outfit unavailable via any other means of acquisition.

"But luck isn’t required to get the Outfit—you’ll automatically receive it after claiming 100 Shipments. We'll talk more about Shipments in the coming weeks."