Nintendo is ending support for posting screenshots and videos directly to X from the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo Switch ending direct sharing to X

Nintendo Switch ending direct sharing to X

From June 10, the above function will be scrapped, as well as the ability to send friend requests to social media users via the Friend Suggestions feature.

A post on the Nintendo X page read: "As of June 10, 2024, it will no longer be possible to post screenshots and videos to X (formerly Twitter) from the Nintendo Switch's Album, or send friend requests to social media users via the Friend Suggestions feature."

A blog post added: "We sincerely thank players for using this feature over the years."

The move has left customers disappointed, with one blaming X owner Elon Musk

They wrote: "@elonmusk look what you did to one of the most beloved companies in the world. Good job buddy! (sic)"

Nintendo isn't the only company ending the support, as PlayStation and Xbox have already done so.