Among the number of gambling games popular in casinos today, both online and in land-based casinos, few enjoy as much success and popularity as roulette. The game has become so intrinsic to the casino experience, that often it is associated as a symbol of a casino, or even gambling in general.

Different types of Roulette

Different types of Roulette

It is rare to see newbies flock to the roulette table, as the game is a lot more complicated than it may appear to be. While everyone, gambler, and non-gambler alike, can describe the roulette wheel, few people can recite the rules. In fact, the truth is, that few even know that roulette is not just one game, but rather, much like poker, encompasses multiple variants.

In this article, we are going to look at the different variants and talk about their origins and their gameplay. So, if you are a seasoned gambler, these are the different roulette variants that you should check out.

American Roulette

Perhaps among the most popular variants of an already popular game, American roulette, as the name would suggest, American roulette has its origins in the United States of America, and often, it is the game that most people think of when they think of roulette. If you are familiar with the game’s rules, it is like the rules to American roulette that you know.

The American roulette wheel distinguishes itself by having both a 0 and a 00 (zero and double zero) pocket, and by having the numbers 1 through 36 that separate the zero pockets come in different order than most roulette wheels. Apart from that, the game follows the same rules as roulette.

American roulette is one of the most popular variants of the game, not just in land-based establishments but also at online casino in the UK. And its popularity is well-earned, as it is also among the most fun. However, it isn’t the only option out there.

European Roulette

A European spin on the game, European roulette is much more popular throughout, well, Europe. When it comes to the international scene in general, European roulette is a lot more popular than the American variant, and the reason for this, is that the European version has 37 pockets, lacking the 00 pocket of the American version. This lowers the edge of the house significantly, from over 5% to only 2.5%.

California Roulette

An interesting and unique spin on the game of roulette comes from California. The game was first played, legally, in 2004, in various Californian casinos. Due to California’s state laws regarding gambling, roulette is illegal in the state. To circumvent this ban, Californian casinos have developed a card game, in many ways like roulette, taking huge inspiration from the game’s rules.

So, what separates the game from American roulette? The main thing is, that the game is played with cards, rather than pockets. A spinner spins the wheel and calls out the winning card once the chips have all been laid.