Homemade Takeaways: Pesto Pizza Recipe

Homemade Takeaways: Pesto Pizza Recipe

New research has shown that Brits waste over a third of a ton of food each year and most of that comes from throwing away takeaways!

With takeaways been expensive and rather unhealthy it’s best to make your own, that way you can have it just the way you like it and it will cost a lot less and be a lot healthier.

This pesto pizza is delicious and beats any takeaway pizza hands down so why not give it a try? Here’s how to do it –

Pesto Pizza

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 2


145g packet pizza or bread dough mix

1 tsp Flora Cuisine or 5g Flora Buttery, melted

75ml passata

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

½ tsp oregano

2 handfuls rocket leaves, washed

30g Cheddar cheese, grated

25g (1oz) shavings of Parmesan cheese

1 tsp pesto verde


1. Make up the dough mix according to pack instructions and roll out to a 30cm (12 inch) round and place on a greased baking sheet.

2. Brush the base with half the Flora spread mixed with the pesto and spoon the passata over the surface. Scatter with garlic, herbs, rocket and cheeses.

3. Cover loosely with an oiled polythene bag and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.

4. Remove the bag and drizzle with remaining Flora. Bake in preheated oven 200°C fan, 210°C, gas mark 7 for 15–20 minutes.