To dream about religion refers to something that has boundaries and structure in your waking life.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

You might feel that these are too restrictive for the way you want to live your days and want to break free of them. Alternatively, the dream might be urging you to adhere to them more than you currently are if you are feeling a little lost at present. 

Religion also pertains to faith- what or who are you faithful to? Do you need to show this faithfulness more clearly? Perhaps it is being misunderstood. On the flipside, perhaps the people or things in your life requires you to be more faithful than you are. Are you up to the task?

Do you exhibit a behaviour or have a habit that you are ‘religious’ about doing? If so, do you need to be more lenient with yourself when it comes to this all consuming thing in your life? Perhaps relationships or your personal wellbeing are affected as a result of your dedication to this reccurrant thing. 

On the other hand, are you not giving something as much attention as you should be? Perhaps your lazy attitude is not getting you very far with this pursuit. 

Another interpretation is that you are struggling to deal with someone else’s differences. Perhaps you need to agree to disagree here as you may never see eye to eye on a particular subject or value. 

Are you afraid of what people will think of you if you break some self-imposed rules or traditions that have been created by those around you? If so, the dream could be urging you to stay true to who you are or to challenge them where appropriate so people know your standpoint. 

It’s possible you need to distance yourself from those people you no longer understand or respect if their beliefs are so far from your own. 


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