To dream about pluto suggests that you are feeling excluded from something right now. 

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you think you have been left out of something at work or in your personal life and believe you had a right to be involved.  This could have been a decision or the organisation of something- but either way- you feel aggrieved that people didn’t consult you. 

It’s possible your self-esteem has taken a hit lately and you feel that people only talk to you and approach you because they have to- not because they want to. 

Perhaps you feel that you don’t have anything interesting to say or anything new to give. If this sounds like you, it may be time to seek some professional help to encourage you to understand these feelings of defeat. You may be able to do this yourself with the right guidance. 

If you do feel like you are last in line to others, the dream could be telling you to do something that will make you stand out and get noticed. Perhaps you have settled for being in the background for too long and it’s your time to shine. 

On a more positive note, you may be perfectly comfortable with being an outsider and watching what goes on around you rather than getting involved. In fact, the dream might be telling you to take a step back if you feel that you have become dragged into something lately that you don’t want to be. 

The dream could be a sign that your life revolves around everyone else and you never take care of yourself and your needs. It might be time to focus more inwardly and put yourself at the centre for once. 

If you have limited social contact in your life, it might be wise to try and make some new friends or spend more time with those few people in your world. 

Do you shy away from accepting invitations? Are you someone who never makes a plan and waits for someone else to? Do you tend to drop out of things at the last minute? If this sounds familiar, perhaps you need to change your attitude towards spending time with others. 


MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

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