If you were carrying something in your dream, it’s possible you feel a burden of some kind in your waking hours. 

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps this pressure is a result of a big responsibility that has been thrust upon your shoulders. But at the same time, maybe it’s one that you don’t want to lose out on. You are willing to carry the weight of this task because this kind of opportunity only comes once in a lifetime. 

If you were carrying someone, you may be taking on their problems for them when they need to work them out on their own. Consider who you were carrying and this will give greater significance to the dream. 

Do you feel that you need to do all the hard work for this person? If so, why? Maybe it’s time that they are exposed to some challenges to help them grow and appreciate things more. 

If this person is going through a difficult time, you can help them get out of it, but remember that it’s up to them to do the majority of the work. If you carry them, they will learn nothing from the experience. 

Or perhaps they no longer want you to carry them and they are trying to tell you to let go. You may know this deep down but find comfort in being their crutch. 

Are you someone who likes being the hero? Perhaps you don’t like it but enjoy the response it brings so you keep on doing it. 

If this sounds like you, maybe it’s time to do what feels right and care less about what other people think. 

If the thing you were carrying was a weapon, then you may be out for a fight with someone. 

If this is the case, the dream could be telling you to calm down and think carefully about your next move- maybe going into a situation with anger is not the best way to progress. 

Source: www.dreambible.com

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

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