To dream about aniseed suggests that you have a love hate relationship with something or someone in your life. 

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

This could be due to an addiction to say food, cigarettes or alcohol- in other words- a bad habit that you know is detrimental to your health but you enjoy in the moment. Do you need to seek some professional help in order to get a grip of the things you feel powerless against?

Perhaps you spend a lot of time with someone whose company you enjoy but you know they are a bad influence on you. If this sounds familiar, you may have to sever ties with this person in order to avoid being manipulated into doing things you know to be wrong even if they are fun or give you a rush at the time. 

Aniseed is used in cooking to add flavour to food and drink, so perhaps the dream is telling you that your life needs more flavour, more excitement or it needs to be more eventful. If you feel that your life has become plain and boring lately, then you may need to make some effort to give it a boost. 

Another medicinal use of ainssed is to help alleviate intestinal gas so it’s possible you need to rid your life of something that is making you uncomfortable or is weighing you down mentally or physically. 

There may be a simple solution to purge your world of the very thing or person that is having a negative effect on your life. 

Consider what or who dulls your shine and think about the ways in which you can distance yourself from it or them to give you a fighting chance at being happy and healthy. 

MORE: Female First’s A-Z Dictionary of Dreams  

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