In history, wasps are related to relentless torment. 

We find out what it means to dream about a wasp

We find out what it means to dream about a wasp

They will sting over and over again, so the dream could be symbolic of a feeling of being taken advantage of by someone in your waking life.

Perhaps someone is hurting you repeatedly either physically or emotionally, but you don't stand up to them or believe that it's simply part of the relationship. Is it time to put a stop to this unecessary torment?

Wasps are associated with anger, evil and negativity so if you were being chased by one, chances are you're experiencing one of these emotions during your waking hours.

How can you dilute these extreme emotions? None of them will serve you well so perhaps it's time to cleanse yourself of them before you hurt someone else. 

Being bothered by a wasp is also synonymous with feeling external pressure.

Maybe your boss is adding to your workload or perhaps your partner is demanding a lot from you at present.

Is a family member or friend is asking too much of you?

These pressures can be motivated by lots of things- and have perhaps arisen from unreliable sources, so it might be worth keeping this in mind when the person comes to you for your time and help. You can say 'no' if you feel you need to practise some self care. 

These perceived stressors might be coming from somewhere inside. It's possible you're feeling tempted by something, want to do something on impulse or are struggling with an addiction. This doesn't have to mean an illegal addiction- it could simply be a habit that's bad for your health. Consider how much stress you are putting on yourself- only you can take this away. 


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