If you were weary in a dream, it’s possible you are feeling tired in your waking hours too.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Perhaps you worn out and exhausted because of work, a relationship, a lifestyle or your family.

The dream could be telling you that you need a break from it all to catch up on sleep and rest before whatever it is saps you of your last ounce of energy.

Do you need to book a weekend away? A holiday? Take some time off from work?  Book in for some therapy?

The dream could be a metaphor for being tired of someone or something in your life. It might not be draining you physically, but you have had enough of a behaviour, situation or person. Is it time for change? Do you need to distance yourself from someone or walk away from a situation that has run its course or a behaviour that is serving no purpose?

Perhaps you are bored or fed up with your life as it stands, and you want to try something new. Do you need a change of career? Area? Hobby? Relationship? Friendship circle?

Perhaps you don’t need to leave these things behind but think of something that will shake them up, so you don’t feel so weary of them.

Perhaps your dreamscape is telling you to focus on someone else in your life who is weary. Do you need to offer your help to a friend, partner, workmate or family member who is overtaxed right now? You may be the only person who is willing or qualified to help. Consider who was in the dream with you as this might shed some light on who it could be.

Alternatively, you may be starting to grow tired of something or someone in your waking hours. Perhaps it or them is already having a negative impact on you. You need to decide if you can turn this around. Do you have the strength to be unaffected or do you need to break away to avoid being dragged into a potentially weary state?

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