When you see potatoes in your dream, it could mean that you live a simple life and have no time for complications with those you have personal or professional relationships with. Perhaps you take pleasure in things that others would dismiss as being enjoyable- yet they make you very happy despite the consensus.

Credit: NurPhoto/NurPhoto/PA Images

Credit: NurPhoto/NurPhoto/PA Images

The dream could also mean that you are being a couch potato and need to get up and get moving rather than being lazy all the time. Is it time to increase your exercise and eat more healthfully? This is even more likely if the potatoes were fried in your dream.

There could be a situation in your waking life that is like a ‘hot potato’ and people are just passing around the problem rather than dealing with it themselves because the answer is not glaringly obvious and they don’t have the inclination to search for it. This could also reflect how you are when times get tough- do you need to start facing up to things and tackling them rather than passing them off or burying your head in the sand?  

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If you saw a sweet potato then it’s possible your libido doesn’t match that of your partner’s. Whether you have the stronger desire for intimacy or they do- the point is- you are not in sync with one another. You may think you have to compromise in order for you both to feel satisfied or your partner might feel this way.

Libido aside, it could just mean that you need to find a better balance in your relationship so you both feel comfortable.

If you were peeling a potato in your dream, then you may face some sort of humiliation in your waking life- be careful who you trust as they may be looking for any reason to embarrass you.

Dreaming about potatoes can also be a refelction of how flexible a person you are and why others are happy to be around you.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about butterflies?

On the other hand, a butterfly might be a hint that you need to settle down and stop flitting from one thing or person to another. Perhaps you lack the focus to do this now and it’s something you need to work on. Think about the term ‘social butterfly’- it’s possible you are someone who is outgoing and popular with others. Have you taken this to the extreme? Your need to be sociable might be affecting other areas or relationships in your life so be mindful of the dangers. On the flipside, perhaps you need to be more outgoing and make more of an effort with others as you might be missing out on the things you really want.

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