When you dream about a microwave, it's often because you want to make big changes in your waking life. 

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

You may even be prepared to destroy something you already have in the hope of something better such as a relationship or situation.

Microwaves are convenient, so it's possible you want someone or something to be less difficult in your waking hours. You want more ease, satisfaction and comfort day-to-day- so perhaps you are searching for ways to do this. On the other hand, maybe your whole life is a convenience and you have forgotten the meaning of hard work. 

In your dreamscape, a microwave can have even more negative connotations. Perhaps you are willing to do something that you've given little thought to in order to alter your circumstances.

If you were cooking a meal in the microwave, it's possible that you are feeding yourself with thoughts and desires that are not good for you and you may need to find a way of breaking this cycle.

Perhaps you need to consider a new and better way of doing something if the way you are currently handling it is not efficient enough.

Microwaves can also represent quick thinking or quick results- this might be something you yearn for yet you may need to learn to be patient.

Another interpretation is that you want money fast- perhaps you are looking for a faster way to make cash right now if you are struggling financially.

Source: www.dreamstop.com



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