Dreaming about an elf could be sign that you need to be more carefree, light-hearted and worry less.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you have some kind of imbalance in your life right now- lots of worries and troubles that are occupying your thoughts. Are they worth your time and energy?

Dreaming about an elf at this time of year might be linked your inner need to spend time with family, be childish, mischevious and unplug for a while.

An elf could be a symbol of someone in your waking hours who does a lot for you. They help you to solve your problems, but they might also do a lot of the work while you watch on by. They might like to take care of everything or, they may not- either way- is it fair to let them take on your roles and responsibilities when you are capable of doing so yourself? Have you become too reliant on this person? If so it might be wise to show a bit of willing by putting in some effort.  

On the flipside, do you need to let someone else help you? If you have taken on too much and can’t do it all yourself- perhaps you need to ask for some help from those who thrive on doing for others.

Elves are traditionally depicted as having extreme personalities- some are wise and shy, others are silly or annoying. Consider which elf you saw in your dream to gain a greater understanding of what it is you need to do next.

Do you crave more knowledge? In which case do you need to enrol on a course, change careers or find a new hobby that stimulates your mind?

Do you know someone who is being annoying or silly? If so, do you need to distance yourself from this person if their behaviour is beginning to grate on you? Or are you the one who needs to rein them in?

On the other hand- maybe it’s your own behaviours that need some alternation if they are abrasive to others.

Source: www.dreammoods.com



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