Justin Timberlake crashed a Zoom call between Joe Biden campaign volunteers in Philadelphia.

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

The 39-year-old singer continued his social media campaign to urge his followers to vote by sharing footage of the video meeting, in which he told the group he was a "huge fan" of what they were doing after first joining without video under the alias Justin Branch, in honour of the character he plays in the 'Trolls' movies.

He said: "So, as you know, your city, your state is going to be huge in this election.

"I always was told when I was young that the hardest work that you do is the work that nobody gets to see. I think that really is apropos to what you guys are doing behind the scenes for the campaign. And I just wanted to come on and say how much I appreciate it, and you guys are the real rock stars. So, thank you so much."

The 'Social Network' actor then took the time to listen to each volunteer explain why they got involved with the campaign before sharing his own reasons.

He said: "We need a country and a world that condemns racism and you see how the little things that are a part of this bigger system can hold back so many people and we need a president who is going to fight for those people.

"Seeing how Joe has stood up against that and Joe has so much experience."

He then heaped praise on Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who he hailed as the "coolest human on earth".

He added: “She's just so real. She's all the things that I want to see in a leader.

"And just seeing them together and knowing what they can do for our country, I'm really fired up."

Justin ended the call with more messages of praise for the volunteers.

He said: "Like I said, what you guys are doing right now, it really, really does make a difference. And I just wanted to come on for a minute and share with you that it means so much to me.

"I'm so excited for what's ahead. We gotta keep it going."

He captioned the video: “ONE MORE DAY If you haven’t already, please get out and #VOTE! Thank you to this amazing group of PA phone bankers and voters for letting me crash your zoom.”