Would working from home be of more benefit?

Would working from home be of more benefit?

Being able to work from home is a key benefit to many mums but sometimes the reality can be much harder than expected.

New research from E.ON and Mumsnet shows that three quarters of work-from-home mums face unexpected side-effects of working from home.

The main surprises mums experienced when first starting to work from home include increased messiness around the home, higher energy bills, finding it hard to concentrate on work, and having more washing-up to do.

Whilst being able to spend more time with children is a leading factor for wanting to work from home, it is not always as easy as first thought. Struggling to juggle their work with caring for their children is a worry for a third of mums and almost half worry about balancing deadlines with their children's needs. 

Home working can be a great solution for mums once they overcome these challenges however, with over three quarters saying they feel lucky to be able to do so.

With increasing household bills a worry for work-from-home mums, Beverley Maguire, Energy Fit Expert at E.ON, said: “We know from our research that the transition to working from home is challenging from both a lifestyle perspective and the practical implications it has on your home. For example, many mums found they were using much more energy in the home with a third experiencing an increase in their energy bills.

“We’d urge anyone who works from home to check that they’re on the right energy tariff for them and also to think about the simple steps they can take to keep their energy use to a minimum. Common sense steps like working near a window for natural light, if possible only heating the rooms in use and not having the TV on in the background when working will all help. We know that there are lots of clever tips that mums across the country are using so we’re looking forward to hearing them through the Mumsnet community.”

Carrie Longton, co-founder of Mumsnet, said: “For its first eight years, we ran Mumsnet from our own homes, so I know very well that while it can be a great solution for lots of mums, there are some challenges too. Mumsnetters and E.ON have come up with some fantastic sanity-saving tips  as well as money-saving ideas – everything from making sure you have your own “office” space (ideally with a door you can close) to ensuring your family understand when you are working and that you shouldn’t be disturbed!

Mumsnet is keen to support all mums who choose to do paid work in the home, which is why we’re offering top tips on best practice for National Work from Home Day 2012.”

E.ON and Mumsnet top tips summary for working from home:

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