Woman fills town with flyers to track down man

Woman fills town with flyers to track down man

A US woman decorated her town in flyers in a desperate bid to track down a man she met in a bar.

The female, who is known only as Courtney, called on the help of her friends and locals to assist her in putting up leaflets around Old Town Alexandria in North Virginia, America, in a bid to find a guy called Ben she had met once but failed to get his phone number.

''Ben (from the Light Horse). I made the wrong choice on Dec. 23rd. Call me! Courtney. (sic)''

The 70 flyers stated: ''Ben (from the Light Horse). I made the wrong choice on Dec. 23rd. Call me! Courtney. (sic)''

Fortunately for Courtney her quest to find Ben came up trumps and she was reunited with him.

She tweeted: ''I found Ben! To respect Ben's privacy, I won't be taking any more interviews. Thank you everyone for the support in my quest to #FindBen !!! (sic)''

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