1,000 strip off for icy swim

1,000 strip off for icy swim

More than 1,000 people stripped off for a swim in icy waters as part of a New Year's Day tradition.

The participants donned their swimsuits and fancy dress costumes to take part in the annual 'Loony Dook' dip, which has been going on for 25 years, in the Firth of Forth River, eastern Scotland.

''We even had a marriage proposal. One man popped the question to his partner after he'd been in for the dip... and she said yes.''

One man dressed himself up in bubble wrap to ensure he kept relatively warm in the freezing cold water, while some other males wore mankinis and females sported hula skirts.

A spokesman for Edinburgh's Hogmanay - the Scots word for the last day of the year - told the BBC: ''We had people in their onesies, hula girls, and even a man all wrapped up in bubble wrap - who was probably the least cold.

''We even had a marriage proposal. One man popped the question to his partner after he'd been in for the dip... and she said yes.''

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