Woman has ears reshaped like elf

Woman has ears reshaped like elf

A Canadian woman has had her ears cut and reshaped to look like an elf.

'Lord of the Rings' fan Meynda Moon, 23, splashed out £250 to get her ears changed to look more like one of the creatures from the fantasy film franchise.

''When I found out I could have my ears pointed I have never been so sure of something in my entire life.''

She said: ''I have always been very close to nature. Pointed ears are the most adorable thing, and I find the elven attire is so elegant.

''My inspiration comes from 'The Lord of the Rings', the long hair, dresses and the closeness to nature.

''When I found out I could have my ears pointed I have never been so sure of something in my entire life.''

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