Emma asks :

Hi Lucy,

At a work night out, I made the mistake of getting too drunk. At the after-party I ended up lying down on a bed with another co-worker and my boss (completely innocent) I wasn't there for long and as soon as I realised the inappropriate circumstance I removed myself from the situation. However, rumours have now spread and people at my work have been talking about it. I'm embarrassed and extremely annoyed for letting myself get in that situation. How long till people forget about this and I can stop worrying about it all the time?


Hi Emma,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Co-workers love a bit of gossip; it makes the day a little more illuminated and the time pass quicker. It also takes the heat off them if they have done something they regret and everyone else knows.

If this is only recent, there will be rumours flying around- however this should pass once something else takes over their focus.

As long all three of you know that nothing happened then that is all that matters. If they ask you and you don't change your story and neither do the other men involved, the rest might come to realise that there is nothing left to talk about.

If you act embarrassed then it makes you look guilty, so perhaps try to get on with your working day and ignore any gossip that you hear, if you react then it only encourages more conversation around the story. The workplace can sometimes be like a school yard- if you rise to the taunts then that is exactly what they want-ignore them and walk away and they will get bored pretty quickly and move on.

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