Pit asks :

Hi Lucy,

It’s 2.26 am and I can’t sleep because I slept the whole day. Now I've mixed a strange cocktail and drank some of it because I am so bored of everything. I don’t feel motivated to do anything and I feel like there is no one really there who hears me, even though I have really good friends in my life. I somehow just wanted to write this.


Hi Pit,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

If your sleep cycle is disrupted right now then that could be making you feel worse. At this time you have no one to talk to and there is little going on for you to distract yourself with, which is likely why you have reached for the drink.

The first thing I would urge you to do is to keep more normal hours. It will be difficult at first as you adjust your personal time clock, however it will ensure that you have the opportunity to talk to someone if you need to and access to things you might want to do.

If you feel yourself reaching for drink, I would suggest you find something- anything else to do other than this. Watch a DVD, do some exercises, write your feelings down, go for a walk- anything to stop you forming the habit of going to drink for the answer.

It sounds like you need to put some plans in place to keep the boredom you speak of at bay and get you motivated once more. Maybe you could make a list of things you want to do and work through them one at a time- ensure they are achievable and realistic so its within your power to tick them off.

If you don't think your friends hear you, then I would suggest some counselling. A counsellor is there to give you clarity and listen to what you say. Friends will only listen so far before their own lives start to disrupt their thoughts. A counsellor would be there for you and you only you- minus distractions.

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