H.A asks :

Hi Lucy,

My mum is really stressed partially because of her sickness and partially because of my sister. My question is what can I do to cheer her up or at least make it up to her?


Hi H.A.

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

If she is suffering from an illness that's affecting her mobility then perhaps you can help her around the house with chores or run errands for her. Depending on how bad her illness is, it might be a huge help if you can do things for her that she may struggle physically with.

If her illness is more psychological then you could spend more time with her if you live elsewhere, keep in constant contact through phone calls and text messages in between or take her out to distract her from her thoughts at regular intervals. If she's stressed perhaps you need to find ways to try and keep her calm- one way might be to avoid any more drama within the family.

In terms of the problems with your sister- you might just have to be her sounding board when she needs to talk. If you start expressing your opinions or taking sides it could cause further discontent within your family and inevitably more drama. If you listen to her point of view- that may be all she needs right now.

Could you ask them to get together and talk out whatever the problem is? Could you be the mediator if they were to agree? Perhaps if you are in the middle, you would be the perfect person to see things from both sides and try and help them compromise over their differences.

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