A wedding day is among one of the most stressful that anyone can have, so we take a look at the internal monologue of a bride on her wedding day and the faces that go with it!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

The ‘Make-up’ face

‘Ok so this is the make-up I am going to have on all of my photographs, that all of my family are going to see. I had the practice session; did I pick the right colour of eye shadow/ lipstick/ foundation? Am I going to look trashy or pale or like a Goth- why did I go with smoky? Surely black isn’t appropriate in any part of a wedding day? I wish I could open my eyes to see if it needs changing. I can touch it up myself! But what if she notices? What If I need it all changing? Will she have the time?’

The ‘put on the wedding dress’ face

‘Hahahaha, ok so I had a blow out last weekend but I pulled it back this week, those few ponds have definitely dropped off, well my scales say that they do but what about the scales in my bedroom now? My God I’ve had months to get this weight off and the week before my wedding I eat something I shouldn’t, what was I thinking? If this doesn’t fit me, the wedding is off! I can’t bare the shame of having pins in my wedding dress. If I smile maybe she won’t notice! Maybe she thinks I’m excited!’

The ‘I look pretty good’ face

‘This is the best I have ever looked in my life! But that is how it’s supposed to be right? Wow my skin is flawless. I could never get my eye make- up that good! I was wrong, if she had messed it up I wouldn’t have been able to pull this back! The smoky eyes actually look pretty ice, understated and sexy. OK back fat under control, tummy hidden, this fits me pretty well! And I can breathe! Ok I think I can go out like this!’

The 'we did it!' face

‘Months of planning, stressing about colour schemes, guests, wedding dresses, table plans, vows, jewellery, shoes…… we made it thought the hard part! The kiss wasn’t too long, no-one fell over, no-one objected, no-one stumbled on their readings, I didn’t cry when Dad gave me away……’

The ‘look like you love me’ face

‘I know you love me; you’ve just married me, but still, look like you love me and I will do the same back. Don’t look too deeply into my eyes or you might look slightly insane and don’t look to much in love or we may have to get the bucket. Just how you would look at me at home when I kiss you when I get in from work! That will do- but no bedroom eyes- not now!’

The 'I’ve never stood in this position in my life' face

Ok, how am I supposed to look relaxed like this? I don’t normally stand like this, how can I look relaxed? The blood is rushing from my arm! Why can’t you just take a picture of the ring in a more normal position? My back fat- arg!

The ‘notice the detail’ face

‘See the flowers, get the flowers; they cost £500- so make sure the flowers are in there! Notice the colour scheme! Did I make the right choice? Yellow looks a bit too… yellowy against the white! I hope he got the gloves in; they were a fortune, maybe I will ask him afterwards! Oh god, I hope my chin doesn’t look doubled up now!’

The 'I’m totally into this now' face

‘Move over hubby, I look amazing and I want plenty of pictures to prove I looked this good for once in my life. When I’m sitting at home in sweats I can look back at this picture and say ‘here is what you can have again!’ (with hours of makeup, hair and dress fittings- here is what you can have again).’

The 'oh god what are they going to say?' face

‘What are the best men going to say about my new hubby’s past? Are they going to tell me that he slept around before he met me? Or that they had a stripper at the stag do? Is my dad going to embarrass me with those pictures of me when I was young and all I had on was a smile and a hat?????’

The ‘I’m proud of myself’ face

‘Well I’ve entertained you with my beauty and poise all day- the least you can do is allow me to get a little tipsy and you should really be getting me a drink as it’s my wedding day! The vows and the first dance are out of the way- it’s time to relax and party with the rest of them!!!!’

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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