Aquarius- You are feeling on top of the world today- so enjoy it while it lasts and spread the feel-good mood around.

What will May 13th bring your way?

What will May 13th bring your way?

Pisces- You will take a leap of faith today- but don’t worry- it will be worth it, even though the outcome is unclear right now.

Aries- You will want to jump into something too quickly today, so before you make your move- stop and think about the consequences first.

Taurus- You will have a frog in your throat today- in other words you will find it hard to speak about something because you don’t truly believe in or support it.

Gemini- You feel like the missing piece of the pie has been found today and you now feel a sense of completion.

Cancer- You will experience a cocktail of emotions today- but for all the ups and downs the day will bring, you will end on a positive note.

Leo- You need to check up on something you’ve put to the back of your mind for it’s got worse while your attentions have been diverted elsewhere.

Virgo- You need to take the rough with the smooth today- and remember it’s the lows that make the highs all the more wonderful.

Libra- You don’t feel whole today- something is missing from your life- whatever it is- strive to get it back to fill the void that’s formed because it doesn’t need to be there.

Scorpio- Today you need to dig deeper to find the route of the problem- because you haven’t been looking hard enough so far.

Sagittarius- Mix it up today and fill your time with a number of different things to keep it interesting or you will get easily bored.

Capricorn- Focus on the women in your life today and show them your appreciation. Whether that’s an auntie, mother, sister or friend- they deserve your appreciation.

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