Today is the 10th of May, will the stars give you your way?

What will the stars bring you way?

What will the stars bring you way?

Aquarius- You feel aggrieved today because you must tidy up after someone else’s mess. Perhaps you need to tell this person that this isn’t your responsibility.

Pisces- You need more space today, to think, to breathe and to plan. Too many people have tried to express their thoughts and opinions to you, and it’s all become too much.

Aries- You want to wash away the recent past and start afresh because to think of it only brings you negative feelings.

Taurus- You feel the desire to provide for someone today- a person needs the help of your generosity.

Gemini- Show someone your appreciation today for they don’t know that you are grateful for their words and their actions so let them know.

Cancer- Someone close to you will seem vacant today, so it’s up to you if you want to probe them and find out why they appear distant.

Leo- Today is about getting organised for you have fallen behind and it’s starting to show so get on top of it before it gets any worse.

Virgo- Make sure you have armed yourself with everything you need to today- preparation is key.

Libra- You need to be forceful with an idea today. If you’re not- it will just get brushed under the carpet and it’s a strong concept so make your voice heard.

Scorpio- You are unhappy with your surroundings today so assess what can be changed to make you feel more at one with your space.

Sagittarius- You are burdened with small yet time consuming tasks today- they may be boring, but they need to be done to keep the flow of things going.

Capricorn- Today is about seeing what is right in front of you- rather than searching for more because the answer lies in something or someone already in your life.


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