Aquarius: Today is about being creative, you won’t have a lot to work with so you need to think outside the box to come up with something extraordinary.

What will today bring?

What will today bring?

Pisces: Someone will appear cold towards you today- don’t take it to heart- they are battling their own demons just as you are battling with yours.

Aries: Something might not be your flavour of choice today- remember that not everyone has to share the same opinions as you- change might be a good thing.

Taurus: You have been working too hard lately and it’s taken a toll on your personal life- it’s time to readdress the balance.

Gemini: Snap out of it today- you have been distracted by something for too long and it needs to stop as it’s starting to impact on the important things and people in your life.

Cancer: Approach something or someone gingerly today- it’s the only way to handle the situation effectively.

Leo: Stamp something out of your life today that is no longer serving you. It’s been hanging around for too long and it’s dragging you down.

Virgo: Stand tall today- in other words be proud and confident of who you are and what you’ve achieved- don’t let anyone try to take that away from you.

Libra: Today is about stepping it up a notch at work. You’ve had a period of rest and now it’s time to focus again.

Scorpio: You may want to stamp your foot in protest today because you don’t agree with something. Things won’t always go your way- consider the positives from this outcome instead of the negatives.

Sagittarius: You will feel like snapping at someone today due to your recent pressures. Take a moment and a deep breath- it’s not their fault you are feeling this way. Direct your frustrations appropriately.

Capricorn: Look out for the postman- there is something important coming your way.

MORE: Your daily horoscope: 30th June 

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