Aquarius: Seek out your closest friends today- you need them now more than ever.

What will today bring?

What will today bring?

Pisces: Do the best you can with what you have today- the result may not be perfect, but the effort involved will be obvious to those around you.

Aries: Be the best version of yourself today- important and influential people are watching.

Taurus: Something or someone will feel like poison in your life today- it might be time to distance yourself from them or it to feel better.

Gemini: Things will start to look up today after a period of negativity- be grateful that times are finally changing for the better.

Cancer: Take off those rose-tinted glasses today- you are only fooling yourself.

Leo: Be poised and ready for anything today and you won’t be caught out.

Virgo: Something is yours for the taking today- reach out and grab it with both hands- the opportunity may not come around again.

Libra: You will come to the end of something today that has been in your life for a long time. There will be a sense of freedom that comes with letting it go.

Scorpio: Don’t just exist today, which is always tempting- be proactive and start living your life rather than letting it pass you by.

Sagittarius: You will feel dazed by some news today- some clarification is needed before you can process this information.

Capricorn: Make a name for yourself today- everything you need will fall into place- ensure people know it is you that made it all happen.

MORE: Your daily horoscope: 7th June