Today is National Day of Encouragement- a day to lift others up who may need a boost and to show them how much they mean to you. If you’re struggling to think of ways to express your encouragement for those around you- here are just a few ideas…

National Calendar Day on Female First

National Calendar Day on Female First

Comment on a post on Facebook: If you are in the habit of scrolling but never posting- today is a great time to tell someone how proud you are of their achievement- a weight loss, a milestone in their parenting journey, another module passed, a realisation are all valid reasons to say ‘congratulations!’.

Even if they haven’t reached their goal yet- tell them that you are amazed by their perseverance so far.

Retweet an inspirational post: If you find a post that speaks to you- retweet it with a kind comment attached showing your gratitude. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing your posts have meaning to someone out there.

Say something positive to a co-worker: If work is a struggle for you all the moment- this is the best time to let someone know that you couldn’t ask for anyone better to work alongside. That they make your day easier and make each day in the office a brighter one.

Text or call someone: And tell them- ‘job well done!’ Whatever they are doing well- or indeed, doing for you- praise them for it. People do a lot of thankless tasks- and today is the perfect opportunity to finally acknowledge everything- both big and small that they contribute. Did you partner make you a perfect cup of coffee this morning? Tell them how good it was!

Help someone in need: Does a family member need help brushing up their CV? Does your partner need you to listen to their presentation for work tomorrow? Does a friend need a nudge to go and do some exercise? If so, you can be the listener, the company or the proof-reader.

Send a card or a postcard: It’s all too easy to send a text- but a card or a postcard takes more time and effort. The recipient of this special piece of post will feel uplifted when it arrives on their doormat so it’s worth a trip to the card shop and the cost of a stamp.

Write a review for a book you’ve read: If you’ve enjoyed a book recently- tell the author how much it meant to you and encourage others to read it by leaving a review on Amazon or their personal webpage. There is nothing an author loves more than positive feedback!

Happy National Day of Encouragement to you all!

MORE: 10 Ways to celebrate National Relaxation Day 

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