When you are feeling sad- sometimes the strangest of things brings you a glimmer of hope when you feel there is otherwise none. Who knows- minimalism could be the very thing you’ve been looking for- here’s why...

It feels good to help others

It feels good to help others

It gives you a focus

When you are focused on decluttering and streamlining your life, it can take the focus off a bad patch in your mental health. Sometimes you need to give your brain a rest from thinking about same things repeatedly and overanalysing every last detail of an uncomfortable situation.

It stops the highs and lows of buying material possessions

If you are someone who buys things to give you a boost- only to find that you have a big dip when the novelty wears off- you no longer have to worry about this shift in mood over things. If you embrace a simpler lifestyle, things don’t factor into your world as much as they once did.

It takes a weight off

If you release yourself and your home of the shackles of unnecessary things, it can feel like a huge burden has been lifted from your body. This is in turn good for your mental state as you feel lighter and able to think more clearly.

Your stuff could be one of the causes

Perhaps one of the reasons you feel this way is because you believe you are out of control as a result of your environment. If every time you walk into your home, you are faced with clutter and items that don’t bring you fulfilment- chances are your mood will instantly plummet. There is a lot to be said for the phrase, ‘tidy home, tidy mind’.

It makes you ask yourself some vital questions

Once you have reached the end of your sorting process- it makes you revaluate what’s important to you now you don’t have the barrier of belongings between you and your quest for happiness. Write down what lights you up and try to channel your energy into reaching that goal now you have the freedom and space to explore.

It’s easier to maintain

One thing that might make you heart sink is the thought of doing a yearly spring clean. If you live more minimally, you keep on top of your things- so there is no need for that annual purge because you will be constantly evaluating everything in your home. Anything that doesn’t serve a purpose will already be gone by the time spring comes and you can go outdoors and enjoy the new season.

It feels good to help others

If you decide to donate your things to a good cause, this can be a huge boost in itself. Knowing that your donations are bringing joy to someone else when it was just lying dormant in your home is just one way to reassure yourself that you have done the right thing.

Why not try minimalism and see if it makes you feel more uplifted?

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