We’ve all been through them and know how heart wrenching they can be so we know that break-ups never get any less painful.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

There are ways to work through the pain and Kenco have teamed up with relationship expert Sam Owen to give us some top tips for getting over a break-up.

Top Tips for Getting Over a Break-Up

1. Face the Music and Dance!

Dancing is a great way to get your endorphins going for a natural high and you can’t help but feel better afterwards. Choose music that uplifts you, gets you excited and puts you in a positive frame of mind.

2. Stick the Kettle On

Taking the time out to enjoy a chat with a friend over a tasty coffee like Kenco Millicano helps to work through our emotions and provides a much needed pick me up.

3. Do Something Different

Do something different to your usual routine that gets you excited and stretches you beyond your comfort zone. There’s nothing like the feeling of satisfaction that you get from achieving something new it gives a much needed confidence.  

4. Get Emotional

Let yourself experience all the emotions you are feeling and as you do so, acknowledge them with words. Research shows that correctly labelling emotions with words helps to take the body out of the fight-or-flight response state, which is initiated during negative emotions. 

5. Dress Up

Make yourself look good on the outside so you naturally feel better on the inside. Just as you take care with your appearance to feel attractive and confident for an interview or other important occasion, treat the post break up phase as something you need to approach in the same way.