Today is National Greasy Food Day- a day to remember all the times when you embrace greasy foods with your lover. 

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

When you're both hungover- There's nothing that cures a hangover like a big greasy fry up the next day- usually around lunchtime when you wake from your dizzy, dehydrated slumber.

At the weekend- When you've both had a hard week at work and neither of you can be bothered to cook- so you order in and have a mini buffet between you- bliss.

Christmas Day- Nothing says 'Christmas' like roasties dripping in oil- it's a necessity.

When you're on holiday- And you can eat chips every day because you've worked so hard over the last few months on your summer body- now it's time to get ready for winter.

Following bad news- No cooking is going to take place when you receive some negative news- McDonalds is the only way to make you feel better.

When it's your birthday- You have to go out for a meal on your birthday- how else are you going to celebrate? That's right- with a greasy pizza, burger or garlic bread followed by cake. And there's two of you so you get to do this twice a year!

On New Year's Day- When the only things that will soak up all the alcohol are the leftovers from last night's buffet- cold pizza, chips and sausage rolls- delish!

On Boxing Day- There's always stuff leftover from Christmas day that can satisfy your cravings for grease- some reheated veggies or stuffing with turkey in a butter laden sandwich. Are you salivating yet?

When you go to the seaside- You can't go to the seaside without having fresh fish and chips on the front. Trips to the seaside are wasted if you don't get up to eyes in greasy scrapings from eating your combo with your fingers. Everyone knows this.

On your honeymoon- After months of dieting to get into your dress and suit- it's about time you stop being so strict with yourselves. Plus you're married now- the 'comfortable' weight is more acceptable.

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